The list of all access functions

The table below shows available access functions.

To be able to work with a specific function, several different access functions may be needed.

Access functions
Operation Object Description/comment
Execute Associate call Associate a parked call with a call in progress.
Execute Attendant message Required to be able to set an Attendant message for a logged out agent in CallGuide Pulse.
Execute Be recorded automatically Allows automatic recording of this agent's phone calls. The agent also uses one license for CallGuide Recording.
Execute Close emails via Interaction View or waiting list Required for an agent to be able to end emails that have been found in Interaction View or in a waiting list. The email must have either queue or created status.
Execute Co-browsing Required for an agent to have access to functions for sharing a web page with a surfer.
Execute Deny outgoing call record The agent is allowed to refuse to make a call out of a campaign or callback record.
Execute Direct transfer of calls Allows an agent to perform a direct transfer of a call.
Execute Future activity Allows an operator to set, change and remove a future activity in a UC system. Also needed is the Execute search in uc system access function.
Execute Hide queues in the queue status window Required for an agent to hide queues in CallGuide Agent’s queue status window.
Execute Inquiry via subarea/group/skill The agent is allowed to make an inquiry call to an agent belonging to a specific subarea or having a specific skill. Without this access right, the agent can only make inquiry calls to agents serving a specific queue.
Execute Login to open interface Allows log-in to open interfaces. Included in the built-in access role Open interface.CallGuide accounts used by external parties logging-in to open interfaces should always be configured with the access role Open interface.
Execute Login/logout for specific queues Log in to and out from specific queues and waiting lists.
Execute Login/logout for specific services Permission to login/logout to specific services after login (of the ones you are authorised to work with).
Execute Login/logout users on/from queue/waiting list Allows you, as a CallGuide Pulse user, to log in and out agents from a queue, provided that the agents belongs to the your access areas.
Execute Logout users from CallGuide Log out agent from CallGuide, via CallGuide Pulse or Unifinder.
Execute Manual booking of callback appointment Allows you to manually, via CallGuide Edge Agent, create records in callback appointment schedules.
Execute Operator functions You are allowed to do the following via CallGuide Agent’s Unifinder support function:
  • See information about a calling searched party.
  • Set attendant message and log out user.
  • See messages to operator.
  • Call through to a busy user.
  • Make enquiry without the enquired party is logged in to the enquiry service.
Execute Parallel handling of text and call Required to allow an agent to write in a parked chat and/or work with a parked email during a call in progress.
Execute Park call Park a call in progress.
Execute Park chat Required to park an active chat or an ended chat in wrap-up.
Execute Park email Park an email in progress.
Execute Place call in agent's personal queue Transfer an IVR call in progress to another agent’s personal queue (the receiving agent must be logged in to any of the services for incoming telephony). Allows a call to be transferred to an agent that is not logged in to Enquiry. This function is intended for use by e.g. operators.
Execute Place call in inquire-able agent's personal queue Transfer an IVR call in progress to another agent’s personal queue if the receiving agent is logged in to a service for incoming telephony enquiry and any of the services for incoming calls.
Execute Place call in queue Transfer an IVR call in progress to a general queue/waiting list (not applicable to personal queues).
Execute Place chat in inquire-able agent's personal queue Transfer a chat in progress to another agent’s personal queue if the receiving agent is logged in to service for incoming telephony enquiry and any of the services for chat.
Execute Place chat in queue Transfer a chat to a general chat queue or waiting list.
Execute Place email in agent's personal queue Transfer of email in progress to another agent’s personal queue.
Execute Quicktext Required to be able to use quick-texts in CallGuide Agent.
Execute Record on command Allows user to record calls.
Execute Reschedule call Postpone a call in progress using the Call later function (offered when you do not have access to parking).
Execute Scheduling of report to file Choose to generate a scheduled report to file in the window for administration of scheduling reports. This function allows a user to schedule a report to a file.
Execute Search in uc system Required to be allowed to search in UC systems.
Execute Select from waiting list when not ready Allows agent to pick a contact in a waiting list when not in status ready. Applies when agent is in status wrap-up, pause and in contact.
Execute Send message Allows a user to send messages to colleagues from CallGuide Agent, CallGuide Admin and CallGuide Pulse.
Execute Send SMS Required for an agent to send SMS in CallGuide Agent.
Execute Service for callback, queue The same as for Service for incoming telephony, queue.
Execute Service for callback, waiting list The same as for Service for incoming telephony, queue.
Execute Service for campaign calls, queue The same as for Service for incoming telephony, queue.
Execute Service for campaign calls, waiting list The same as for Service for incoming telephony, queue.
Execute Service for campaign, dialer The same as for Service for incoming telephony, queue.
Execute Service for incoming call, enquiry For CallGuide Agent: Permission to log in to the service for the organisation area the agent belongs to. The agent is not required to have any access areas to be able execute this function.

For CallGuide Admin: Of no consequence.

For CallGuide Pulse: Of no consequence.

For CallGuide Report: Of no consequence.

Execute Service for incoming call, queue For CallGuide Agent: Permission to log in to the service for the organisation area the agent belongs to. The agent does not need any access areas to be able to execute this function.

For CallGuide Admin: Of no consequence.

For CallGuide Pulse: Permission to monitor the service for the areas the user has the access rights to (interplaying with the access functions to view real time information for organisation area/subarea).

For CallGuide Report: Of no consequence.

Execute Service for incoming call, waiting list The same as for Service for incoming call, queue.
Execute Service for incoming chat, queue The same as for Service for incoming call, queue.
Execute Service for incoming chat, waiting list The same as for Service for incoming call, queue.
Execute Service for incoming email, queue The same as for Service for incoming call, queue.
Execute Service for incoming email, waiting list The same as for Service for incoming call, queue.
Execute Video chat Permission to use video as a media during chat. See Administrate video chat.
Execute Wrapup time Permission to extend the duration of the wrap-up time during wrap-up in progress.
Modify Address book for organisation area Select and see organisation area specific address books in the window for administration of address books. Add and delete records in an address book.
Modify Client settings for organisation area Change the default values for agent settings for the organisation area.
Modify Dialogue flows Open window for administration of dialogue flows and to view and change specific details for the flow objects that are part of the flow.
Modify Global schedules Modify schedules used in flow objects and template days, from the organisation areas and subareas the user has access to. Modify global schedules and template days. Includes the option of adding and removing template days. Applies to solutions whre Telia CallGuide is delivered as cloud service.
Modify Guide in Information Guide Required to administrate records in a guide.
Modify Interaction View See submenu choice for administration of Interaction View. Required to configure Interaction View.
Modify License key Open window for administration of licence key.
Modify Location (for extensions) Open the Extensions window. Permission to change the location’s extensions. Extensions do not have to be linked to subareas, This is why this is at organisation area level. An agent should be free to log in at any extension within the organisation area. Extensions should be administrated centrally.
Modify Login message Open window to administrate login message. In the Login message window see tab for administration of organisation area specific login message. There can be one login message per organisation area and/or subarea.
Modify Opening hours for entrance Open window for administration of opening hours for entrances.
Modify Opening hours for menu choice Open window for administration of opening hours for menu choices.
Modify Personal client settings Required for agent to be allowed to configure own client settings.
Modify Principles for security Open the System parameters window and see the CallGuide Security Management tab, for administration of security parameters. The user can modify the system parameters related to security.
Modify Queue/waiting list In the Thresholds for service levels window see tab for administration of service levels for ordinary queues/waiting lists. Open and administrate the Queues and waiting lists window.
Modify Schedules Being able to modify the schedules used in flow objects and template days, from the organisation areas and subareas the user has access to. Includes the option of adding and removing template days. Applies to solutions where Telia CallGuide is delivered as a cloud service.
Modify Service level for organisation area Open window for administration of thresholds for service levels. See tab for administration of service levels for queues and waiting lists.
Modify Statistics reports In addition to View statistics report the user can administrate his own scheduled reports.
Modify System global address book Select and see System global address book in the window for administration of address books. Add and delete records in an address boolk.
Modify System global login message Open the Login Message window to see the Global tab to administrate global login message. The authorisation to change the system global log in message.
Modify System parameters and connections Configure global parameters (including connection endpoints).
Modify Template queue/waiting lists Configure sorting order and service level.
Modify User Modify user profile. Modify access area affiliation (to add an area you need the access rights to this area). Modify name. Modify email account. View the queues being served.
Modify User interface Agent Required to be allowed, in CallGuide Admin, to configure Contacts data window, Contacts in progress and Waiting lists in CallGuide Agent.
Modify Organisation area parameters Required to configure organisation area specific parameters in the System parameters window.
Own Access role Administrate the Access roles window.
Own Address book for organisation area Add and delete address book for the organisation area.
Own Appointment schedule Required to open the Callback appointment schedule window and change schedules.
Own Attendant message Required to create, change and delete Attendant message types.
Own Callback, automatic treatment Allows configuration for treatments for callback.
Own Callback, call records Open the Callback records window to administrate call records for callback. Call records can be linked to an organisation area via an entrance.
Own Campaign Administrate campaign and administrate campaign records.
Own Chat Engine Required to configure CallGuide Chat Engine (ruling what is seen the CallGuide Chat klient customer tool in the CallGuide Admin Chat Engines window.
Own Chat entrance Required to configure chat entrances in CallGuide Admin.
Own Contact data  
Own Custom work levels Configure custom work levels.
Own Dialogue flows All functions for creating/removing/modifying/looking at dialogue flows/dialogue objects via the Dialogue flow window. Also includes hidden dialogue flows/dialogue objects.
Own Email account Open the The Email and Work Item accounts window to administrate email accounts.
Own Entrance In the The Entrances, menu choices and task types window, see and administrate the Entrances tab.
Own Escalation constraint Setting up Escalation constraints in the Base constraints tab.
Own Escalation point Setting up Escalation points. Requires access rights to both organisation areas involved.
Own Global schedules Create/modify/delete schedules/template days, from the organisation areas and subareas the user has access to and create/modify/delete global schedules/template days. See Schedules for IVRs included in cloud service.
Own Group or skill Open the Groups and skills window to Create new group or skill.
Own Guide in Information Guide Required to create/delete guides and for approval of changes of records in a guide. In The information Guide window you have access to Create new guide button, the Delete Information guides button and the checkbox to enable a guide.
Own Location (for extensions) Open the Locations, switches, and access codes window to see and administrate the Extension Locations, switches and access codes for extension locations tabs. Locations and access codes are connected with each other. When a location is created, access code combinations are automatically created for the new location and all other locations within the organisation area.
Own Location (for IVR) Open the Locations, switches, and access codes window to see the IVR Locations and Access codes for IVR Locations, IVR groups and Access codes for IVR groups tabs. Open the Numbers for park and place in queue window for administration.
Own Menu choice In the The Entrances, menu choices and task types window, see and administrate the Menu choice tab.
Own Organisation area Open the Organisation areas window. The person creating an organisation area will automatically be authorised for this area.
Own Other settings for email Free access to all other windows, tabs, and configuration options under the Email menu choice:
Own Portal for CallGuide Answer To configure CallGuide Answer portals
Own Queue/waiting list Create and delete queues and waiting lists. Access to the Add button in the Queues and waiting lists window to create a queue or a waiting list. See Description of Queues and waiting lists window
Own Quicktext Allows configuration of Quick texts.
Own Row in routing of contacts Allows configuration of routing rows, search order as well as Escalation constraints. Excluded is Base constraints.
Own Rule for Proactive Web Configure rules for proactive contact. See Add a rule for Proactive Web
Own Schedules In Schedules – main window, create/modify/delete the schedules used in flow objects and create/modify/delete template days. Schedules apply for solution where Telia CallGuide is delivered as cloud service.
Own Statistics reports In addition to Modify statistical reports the user can administrate other users’ scheduled reports, publish reports, etc. See Produce a report.
Own Subarea Can create new Subareas.
Own Switch, CTI Engines and links. Required to configure Configure switches for server based CTI, i.e. switches, CTI Engines, and links.
Own System global address book Add and delete system global address book. See Administrate address book
Own Task type and wrapup time Set up task types to an organisation area. See Basics about Task types. This function automatically gives the access rights to Set wrapup rules.
Own Template queue/waiting list In Template queues and waiting lists, configure sorting order, service levels etc.
Own UC system and directories Required to configure UC systems and directories. See UC system settings.
Own User In the User Accounts window
  • Create, copy, and delete user accounts.
  • Change the agents’ access roles, passwords, organisation area affiliation, Direct Inward Dialling number as well as answering point.
  • Lock/unlock account.
Access roles can only be given in accordance with the access rights of your role and the access area affiliations can only be assigned using the areas that the creating user has access rights to. See All details in the User accounts window.
Own Value sets for contact data Open and administrate in the Value sets for contact data window.
View Access role Open the Access roles window
View Agent evaluation - survey Required to allow an agent to look at agent evaluation from CallGuide Survey.
View Dialogue flows Look at configurations of dialogue flows/dialogue object via the Dialogue flows window. Only applies to the dialogue flows/dialogue objects that are not hidden.
View Guide in Information Guide Required to be allowed to use Information Guide in CallGuide Agent.
View Interaction View, all interactions Required to be able to find information in CallGuide Agent Interaction View and CallGuide Edge Agent Interactions for own organisation area as well as the organisation areas the user has access to.
View Interaction View, allowed task types Required to be able to find information in CallGuide Agent Interaction View and CallGuide Edge Agent Interactions for the task types that are either not limited to any subarea or is limited to one of the subareas the user is affiliated to.
View Logged changes made in CallGuide Admin Look at organisation area specific logs of changes.
View Logged global changes made in CallGuide Admin Look at global logs of changes.
View Real-time information for organisation area This function also gives the rights to view real time statistics, for the services you have the access rights to, for the subareas in the organisation area.
View Real-time information for subarea Gives the rights to look at real time statistics for the services you are authorised to within subareas that are included in your access role.
View Row in routing of contacts Open the Escalation constraints window and see tab for administration of escalation constraints (not base constraints).
View Statistics reports Provides the option of looking at statistical reports in CallGuide Report (and in the older CallGuide Report client).
View System global real-time information This function gives the right to look at real-time information that is not connected to any organisation area, e.g. connection endpoints.
View User Look at user belonging to your own access area.